Food Sensitivity Testing

Did you know what you eat can cause more than just an upset stomach?

This is true, we can be sensitive to foods. This sensitivity causes inflammation which initiates an immune reaction; which can cause anything from nausea, stomach pain, gas, bloating, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, headaches, joint pain, irritability, nervousness and potentially so much more.

From my experience, I had dandruff that I just could not get rid of. I tried ever shampoo out there, and got only mild relief. It wasn't until I had the “ah ha” moment and realized it must be something I am eating that is causing this inflammation and immune response. So I started the arduous elimination diet! You eliminate most foods, down to the least irritating ones and after 4 weeks or when all your symptoms have disappeared you start to reintroduce a single food at a time. I figured out that it was eggs causing my dandruff. I then decided to get a Food Sensitivity test to see if in fact I had a sensitivity to eggs. When I got the results, I was not surprised to see that eggs were elevated along with other foods, sadly peanuts were on that list as well... goodbye peanut butter.

What do I recommend for you? Well if you have the time and the discipline then do the elimination diet, but I do recommend the Food Sensitivity test instead. It is a a simple blood draw and within a couple of weeks you will have your results.

Once we have your results, I will help you navigate the elimination of the aggravating foods and suggest other supplements that help to heal your gut, decrease inflammation and reset your immune system. In certain situation you may have multiple sensitivities that show up on the test and this may be due to a leaky gut, which means there is a lot of inflammation in your gut and larger food particles are being detected by the immune system as foreign bodies. If we heal the gut there is a possibility that you can reintroduce some of the foods that you were previously sensitive to.

If you are interested in getting your RMA FST™ IgG Food Sensitivity Test done, book an appointment with Dr. Pace, ND to have the test requisitioned.


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