Facial Rejuvenating Acupuncture

Facial rejuvenating acupuncture is a low to no-risk treatment for prevention or treatment of wrinkles and blemishes on the face. Treatments can also help with acne, rosacea, puffiness, sagging skin, and dark circles.

A treatment consists of multiple fine needles placed in specific areas on the face and neck and complementary needles in the feet and hands. Each treatment lasts roughly 60-90 minutes.

A study conducted and published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture showed that of 300 test cases who received facial rejuvenation, 90% showed results after one course of treatment. The results included: improvement in skin texture and coloring, increased elasticity, reduction of wrinkles and overall rejuvenation.

For best results 1-2 treatments per week for 6-10 weeks is recommended with one touch up treatment every 3-4 months.

Matthew Pace, ND is now offering Facial Rejuvenating Acupuncture at Beachealth.


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